Speeding and Reckless Driving in Virginia Beach
Virginia law enforcement is on especially high alert for intoxicated and irresponsible drivers around the holidays. This is for good reason, as the highest number of alcohol-related vehicle accident deaths occur between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve. Even if you didn’t drive while intoxicated, you may have found yourself stuck with a speeding ticket or reckless driving ticket this season. Do you know your legal options?
A driver is considered to be speeding anytime he or she is operating a vehicle above the posted speed limit. This means that, contrary to the “10 above rule,” you can be pulled over for going even one mile over the speed limit. Consequences for speeding can include a ticket with a fine (generally $5 for every mile over, plus court fees), demerits on your driving record, license suspension and court-ordered driver improvement classes if you are a repeat offender. Your first option in dealing with a speeding ticket is to pay the fine and comply with any other consequences.
If you believe you were falsely accused of speeding, you have the option of fighting the ticket in court. An experienced attorney can help guide you through the process of speedometer testing and other measures of providing evidence for proving innocence.
Avoid speeding by giving yourself plenty of extra time to get where you need to be (always keeping the unpredictable Virginia Beach traffic in mind). Put some music on and calmly follow the posted speed limit.
Reckless Driving
Reckless Driving is most-commonly understood as driving 20 miles over the posted speed limit or operating a vehicle in excess of 80 miles per hour. But did you know that other behaviors also qualify as reckless driving? From the Virginia DMV website:
- Racing
- Passing or overtaking an emergency vehicle
- Passing a school bus
- Passing on the crest of a hill
- Passing two vehicles abreast
- Driving too fast for conditions
- Failure to give a proper signal
- Faulty brakes/improper control
- Driving improperly through parking lots
If you are charged with reckless driving in the state of Virginia, it is imperative that you maintain legal counsel. Consequences for your charge may include demerit points, major fines, license suspension/revocation and even jail time. Contact the Virginia Beach traffic attorneys at Anthony Montagna to discuss your case today. Call us toll-free at (877) 622-8100.
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