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Author: Tony Montagna


THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS With Anthony L. Montagna, III, one of the best Norfolk traffic lawyers, you can be confident that you have an experienced, traffic and criminal attorney on your side. Anthony will fight to protect you and your family. He knows that every case is important to you, and he will battle for you in court.  Anthony and his partners...

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In the News

Anthony Montagna recently was instrumental in getting two serious drug charges dismissed.  Although every case is different and one result does not guarantee a result in a different case, the matter was covered by the Virginian-Pilot.  View the article HERE.

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Mason v. Commonwealth 05/05/2016

Supreme Court of Virginia Opinions // Mason v. Commonwealth 05/05/2016 In this case, there is an appeal challenging the circuit court’s refusal to suppress drug-related evidence seized after a traffic stop.  The Judges of the Supreme Court of Virginia ruled that the objective facts and circumstances presented by the Commonwealth of Virginia were sufficient to...

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          Anthony Montagna has handled hundreds of Reckless Driving cases in Virginia.  He has over 22 years experience defending military men and women, union workers, seniors and students.  He is tough, experienced, and compassionate.  He offers free consultations. 757-625-3500 MILITARY WELCOME UNION WORKERS WELCOME RECKLESS DRIVING, IMPROPER DRIVING,...

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Criminal Charges Nolle Prossed Against Father of AJ Hadsell

AJ Hadsell was the Norfolk teenager, who was found dead in Southampton County in April, 2015.  The medical examiner indicated that the cause of death was acute heroin poisoning.  However, the manner of death was not able to be determined. Initially, Wesley Hadsell was indicted on statutory burglary, possession of ammunition by a convicted felon, and four...

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Governor McDonnell Loses Appeal

It was a sad day in Virginia recently. Former Virginia Governor McDonnell’s conviction was affirmed by the appeals Court.  Most people believe Governor McDonnell is a good man.  However, the appeals court found the evidence sufficient to uphold his federal court conviction. By losing the appeal, the likelihood of Governor McDonnell  serving prison...

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Anthony Montagna, III has practiced law over 21 years. On this page, a Norfolk DUI lawyer explains DUI in Virginia. DUI’s are one of the most serious misdemeanor charges in Virginia.  If convicted of a DUI, one faces up to 12 months in jail, $2,500.00 fine, loss of driver’s license, and other onerous penalties.  Additionally, it is important...

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A Norfolk Traffic Lawyer Explains A Dangling Parking Pass

In this post, a Norfolk traffic lawyer explains a dangling parking pass as a basis for a stop by a police officer.  The Virginia Court of Appeals has attempted to explain how and when a police officer may stop a driver on a highway. The Virginia Court of Appeals has recently ruled that a dangling parking pass is a basis for a stop by a police officer. ...

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